runDisney packing list

What I Pack for a RunDisney Race Weekend

With the runDisney Wine and Dine half marathon weekend coming up next week, I thought I’d give y’all some insight into what I pack for a race weekend! Be sure to read all the way through for a free printable packing list.

This list will cover race essentials as well as other things you’ll need to make your race weekend go smoothly!

*This page contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission through these links at no additional cost to you. Please know that I will never recommend a product to you that I do not use myself.

Before the Race


You’ll need your ID in order to pick up your race packet at the Expo.

Credit Card

If you’re going to buy anything at the Expo, be sure to bring a form of payment! (Or the reverse, don’t bring any money to avoid spending all of it at the Expo, ha!)

Safety Pins

While these are provided with packet pickup, I always like bringing my own just in case I misplace the ones I get at the Expo.

Your Race Confirmation Email

Make sure to have this email flagged on your phone in case there’s any mix-up with picking up your race packet.

Good Walking Shoes

DO NOT wear your running shoes when you’re walking around before or after your race. Wear some comfortable shoes that are good for standing around, since you’ll do a lot of that at Disney World. I’ve found that my running shoes are not comfortable for walking around Disney World.

Race Morning Breakfast

You’ll probably be eating breakfast at 2:30am in your hotel room, so bring some breakfast food that’s easy to make in the room. Unless you’re staying in a DVC room, Disney hotels usually don’t have microwaves in their rooms, so don’t count on having access to a microwave. I like to bring along cereal, milk, and a banana.

runDisney Race Essentials

Running Shoes

Do not forget your running shoes. If you do forget, there is a running store in Disney Springs. But don’t forget, because you want shoes you’ve run in before.

Running Socks

These are almost as important as your shoes but not as crucial. But still, don’t forget your socks.


Make sure you bring all parts of your running outfit (or costume if you’re dressing up!). Examples: Underwear, sports bra, shorts, skirt, tank top, long sleeves, hair ties, sunglasses, accessories, etc. Make sure to bring multiple versions of your outfit to account for different weather on race day! I usually like to have a cold weather and warm weather option.

Running Watch

If you run with a watch, you want to make sure to bring it and its charger.


It’s always good to have your phone so you can take pictures, receive texts of encouragement, and call the people meeting you afterword. With runDisney races especially, there are so many moments you’ll want to have pictures or videos of, you’ll definitely want your phone with you.


I ran into this on my last runDisney race, if you decide to stop for a ride (Tower of Terror happened to open as I ran by) and want the picture, you’ll want to have your MagicBand with you.


It’s also a good idea to have your ID on you just in case something happens, or if you want to purchase a celebratory drink after the race.

Credit Card

If you want to purchase Food/Beverage after the race, make sure you have a card with you.


If you’re running a longer distance and have been using a form of nutrition during your training, make sure you remember to bring it. RunDisney will have Honey Stinger Energy Chews at one point during the Half Marathon (for Wine and Dine weekend – check the Event Guide for your race for more information). Personally, I like Gu. Chocolate Outrage and Vanilla are my favorite flavors.

Body Glide

I usually use the Foot glide before I put my socks on to avoid blisters. If you’ve ever chafed, you know how painful it can be, so I always like to have some form of glide with me so I can apply if necessary.

Running Belt

If you run with a belt of any kind, bring it with you! runDisney allows for you to bring your own hydration, so I like to bring my belt with the two water bottles (Especially in this Covid/post-Covid world). Make sure you run with the belt before the race so you know how it feels. Also, expect anything you bring to the race to be inspected by security when you arrive on race morning.


If you run with sunglasses, make sure you don’t forget them! That morning sun can be rough sometimes.

Throwaway Clothes

It may be cold the morning of your race(s), but it’ll heat up as you start running. Bring some cheap/thrifted warm clothes you don’t mind throwing away after the race starts. You might not think you need these clothes, but you’ll be waiting in the corrals before the race for a couple of hours. (Or at least we used to, I have no idea what a post-Covid race morning looks like with runDisney).

After the Race

Comfortable Shoes

The rest of the day, you’re going to want to wear different shoes from your running shoes.


While runDisney provides a snack box after the race, I usually like bringing my own food to eat right after as well. I usually keep this food in a bag that someone (usually my husband, sometimes my mom) brings me at the finish line.

Foot Roller

This simple device is a foot saver after a race. Especially if you plan on hitting the parks at any point during the weekend.

Those are the things I bring with me for a runDisney vacation! It’s a lot, and some of it is not totally necessary, but I love being in control, so for me that turns into overpacking. Let me know if you have anything to add to the list, I love seeing other people’s packing lists!

Here’s your free packing list like I promised (no email signup necessary)! I included spaces for you to add your own items at the bottom. Hope this helps you plan your runDisney vacation! You can also pin the image below on Pinterest!